Mapping Adventures in Power BI (part 3)

Now when have been able to place coloured pins on a map, our users wanted us to show them a map with coloured suburb shapes, as it more accurately indicated coverage for the sales process, especially in remote areas.

Phase 3 – Show a map with coloured shape for the suburbs (free, paid)

After speaking to various map vendors about their solutions and costs (cha-ching!) we because determined to attempt to use the map provided with Power BI.

This solution required us to obtain a shape map. We went for the ASGS (Australian Statistical Geography Standard) SSC (State Suburb) map provided by the ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics). We downloaded the zip file which contains a shape file for Australia from here.

From here it is important to reduce the size of the map and convert it to Topojson format, in order to import it into Power BI. These steps are covered well in these articles

As you can see in our map, some suburbs are not picked up correctly. This occurs when a suburb with the same name exists more than once, either in the same state, or in a different state. We are planning on over coming this by using the SSC code to unique identify states in our database and mapping using this field. I will let you know how this goes…

As always let me  know if you want more info and I hope this post was useful to someone…

Mapping Adventures in Power BI (part 2)

So continuing on from my previous post, the second phase of our tasks is to show our 2 relative suburbs (based on 2 Geo-fence radii) as colored pins on a map.

Phase 2 – Show a map with coloured pins that also indicate the suburbs (free, paid)

After testing various options to represent this the way we wanted on a map, we focused on modelling this with a bridge table and using conformed dimensions for our other related measures and filters. We also chose to use the ArcGIS Map visual which allowed us to colour the location pins the way we wanted. Below is the result.








The red pin\dot represents the chosen suburb from the slicer. The yellow pins\dots are those suburbs that non-priority clients will appear in when searching for “Plumbers” in “Kingscliff” and the blue pins/dots represent the coverage priority clients receive. This is a useful tool for our sales team to show clients what they can expect when advertising with us.

Above shows the map symbol settings and the fields and measures used to create the map. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or want to see more about how this was built.

In the next post, I will cover Phase 3 -Colouring Suburbs as Shapes on a map